Classification of cargo
TrackingCargo classifies each item in inventory that is transiting in the ports according to a code string and considers it as one single classification key.
Code string:
Port - Vessel - Booking - Order - Mark - Lot/ID - Dim1 - Dim2 - Dim3 - Unit
This coding permits us to manage efficiently any type of cargo
without any compilation limitation since the codes forming the
string are independent from the classification key. Coding
link diagram
Therefore, a multitude of reports may be generated by the system:
Report 1
Booking Report pdf
This report compiles the quantity, the volume and/or the weight
for each Booking and gives a total per vessel and by port.
Report 2
Compilation per Mark pdf
This report compiles the quantity, the volume and/or the weight
per Mark, and gives a total per Order, Booking and by Port.
Report 3
Compilation per Size pdf
This report compiles the quantity, the volume and/or the weight
per size, and gives a total per Order, Booking and per Port.
The Dimensions
The different types of cargoes that we handle forced us to make a distinction between two types of products: packaged products and single unit products.
The packaged products (in bundle, palletized, unitized,
Three dimensions are reserved for the pieces, boxes, bags or parts
of one same package and three other dimensions for the pieces as
a whole. An additional box (Unit) is required for the number of
pieces per package.
The single unit products (block, coil, roll, etc.)
Three dimensions are reserved for the single unit products.